When it comes to protecting cultural diversity, governments should be actively involved. Through legislation and funding, many of the problems could be remedied or at least contained. In order for this to actually be effective, there needs to be knowledge of an issue and acceptance that something must be done by locals. Since these are the people who are more directly impacted, it is important that they take pride in their area. 

Cultural diversity is essential to defining an area and its citizens. If plant and animal biodiversity of a place begins to crumble, the identity and  history is slowly lost too. For example, Australia is one place that is known for their rich diversity. It has famous symbols attached to it, such as the kangaroo and The Great Barrier Reef that make it unique and distinguishable. Without them, the memory of extinct animals and plants will fade, resulting in a great impact to Australia's history.

Despite the fact that cultural diversity is so important to a place, many governments will simply not want to spend the money on it. These programs are costly and sometimes ineffective. Wasting both time and money is not a welcome thing in many's eyes, even for the chance to save something that is the foundation of a group. I will not change my opinion.  This is because I think culture is so essential to a place and its people that we cannot risk losing it. 

7/30/2013 08:08:46 am

I enjoyed your blog! I like how you used the example of the Great Barrier Reef and the Kangaroo connection to Australia. I agree with you with you on the fact that the government should be active in preserving culture diversity and cultural diversity is essential in defining an area.

8/2/2013 10:43:35 am

I really liked your response to this question. I also completely agree. The governments do need to get involved, but like you said, they most likely do not want to spend the money on an issue like this. I also really liked how you used Australia as an example, and brought up the Great Barrier Reef. They are a good example to use because of just how bio diverse they are.

8/3/2013 07:04:25 am

I completely agree with the involvement of government and the topics which you discussed. I like the way in which you talked about economics, because that is always a leading factor on the help of government.

Sanya Elliott
8/3/2013 11:35:27 am

I love how you used the kangaroo and the Great Barrier Reef as examples for Australia's cultural diversity. I think it is so important that every country needs to maintain their symbols to what makes them so well known for. That is honestly the beauty of our world and how every country in itself is so unique and diverse.

Sang Ho Yun
8/3/2013 02:45:00 pm

I liked how you used Australia example. In 3rd paragraph, I completely agree with you on that some people might think using money to protect culture is wasteful, but it is not. Also I like the part that you mentioned about pride at the end of the 1st paragraph


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